Last night, January 3-4, Earth passed through a stream of debris from shattered comet 2003 EH1, source of the annual Quadrantid meteor shower. The debris stream is narrow. As a result, the Quadrantids peak tends to be brief. Looks like maksimum for me was as shown below on diagram from SGO Meteor Radar, January 4, first peak at 02-03 then 09. Maksimum was predicted at 07:55.


I was QRV on 2m and did some QSO´s. Most of them were not completed, people don´t have enough patient and expecting finished QSO just in 5 minutes. So I decided to concentrate on new squares for me and work only sked.  Got 4 new squares and now totally worked 444. Had very long sked (2 h) with RA3FP in KO94av.